工業區/Industrial Area(1-11)
1.ROSA WOLF死亡之謎/The Death of Rosa wolf
2.陳屍花園中/Corpse in a Garden
3.兇殘屠夫/The Grim Butcher
4.船廠凶案/The Dockyard Killer
5.俄國問題/A Russian Case
6.好警察,沒命的警察/Good Cop Dead Cop
7.十字架之刑/Death by Crucifixion
8.美麗已是過去式/Beautiful No More
9.熱火煉獄/Burned to the Bone
10.刀鋒下的秘密/Under the Knife
11.龍潭虎穴/Into the Vipers'Nest


商業中心/Financial Center(12-21)
12.交易所血案/Blood on the Trading Floor
13.Grimsborough炸彈警告/Bomb Alert on Grimsborough
14.時尚的犧牲者/Fashion Victim
15.家族血緣/Family Blood
16.死亡之吻/The Kiss of Death
17.最後的晚餐/The Last Supper
18.暗夜殺手/In the Dead of Night
19.無辜的迷途羔羊/Innocence Lost
20.致命遊戲/A Deadly Game
21.秘密實驗/The Secret Experiments


歷史中心/Historical Center(22-31)
22.求生或求死/To Die or Not to Die
23.最後的旅程/The Final Journey
24.凶手剖析/Anatomy of a Murder
25.Grimsborough的亡魂/The Ghost of Grimsborough
26.召喚儀式/Thr Summoning
27.湖泊的新娘/The Lake's Bride
28.鬧鬼的榆木莊園/The Haunting of Elm Manor
29.無火不起煙/No Smoke Without Fire
30.Wollcrafts的怪物/The Wollcrafts' Creature
31.狗咬狗/Dog Eat Dog


32.校園凶殺案/Murder on Campus
33.致命溫柔/Killing Me Softly
34.死亡界線/Dead Man Running
35.走投無路/At the End of the Rope
36.惡魔的遊樂場/The Devil's Playground
37.死神與怪人/The Reaper and the Geek
38.春假慘案/Spring Break Massacre
39.死亡標記/Marked for Death
40.小學兇殺/An Elementary Murder
41.墨跡死神/The Rorschach Reaper


楓木公寓社區/Maple Heights(42-51)
42.血與榮耀/Blood and Glory
43.怪奇水域/Troubled Waters
44.死亡氣息/The Scent of Death
45.美人命薄/A Shot of Beauty
47.婚禮與葬禮/One Wedding and a Funeral
48.紅顏多薄命/Good Girls Don't Die
49.飛來橫禍/All the King's Horses
50.舞台春秋/Snakes on the Stage
51.一切到此為止/It All Ends Here


52.勇氣新世界/A Brave New World
53.掩埋殺意/Burying the Hatchet
54.渲染事實/The Poisoned Truth
55.塵歸塵/Ashes to Ashes
56.腥風血雨即將興起/There Will Be Blood

    創作者 伊薩若 的頭像


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